
,2023年8月27日—ToprovethataquantummechanicaloperatorˆAisHermitian,considertheeigenvalueequationanditscomplexconjugate.ˆAψ= ...,MostoperatorsinquantummechanicsareofaspecialkindcalledHermitian.Thissectionliststheirmostimportantproperties.AnoperatoriscalledHermitian ...,Aphysicalvariablemusthaverealexpectationvalues(andeigenvalues).Thisimpliesthattheoperatorsrepresentingphysicalvariableshavesomes...


2023年8月27日 — To prove that a quantum mechanical operator ˆA is Hermitian, consider the eigenvalue equation and its complex conjugate. ˆAψ= ...

2.6 Hermitian Operators

Most operators in quantum mechanics are of a special kind called Hermitian . This section lists their most important properties. An operator is called Hermitian ...

Hermitian Operators

A physical variable must have real expectation values (and eigenvalues). This implies that the operators representing physical variables have some special ...

Hermitian operator

2010年12月15日 — An Hermitian operator is the physicist's version of an object that mathematicians call a self-adjoint operator. It is a linear operator on a ...


由 A Das 著作 · 2011 · 被引用 9 次 — Abstract. In these lectures, we will describe a systematic procedure for constructing an inner product in a pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanical system.


In physics, non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, describes quantum mechanical systems where Hamiltonians are not Hermitian.